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Tuesday 29 June 2010

Year 5's bread making

bread making

On Monday the 21st of June year 5 made bread for a chosen teacher.

Some bread was platted,some had olives in it and herbs.We followed a recipe and are bread was delicious.Every teacher said 'Thank you' personally to the bread makers.

1.We did a questionnaire to every teacher to ask them if they have any allergies and what they want in it.
2.Then we were put in groups and made a trial bread.
3.We ate it ,it was very nice!
4.We started to make our bread for our teachers.
5. After we finished making our bread ,(while they were cooking) we made our packaging.
6. We delivered our bread to the teachers we had chosen.
7.A couple of days later most of the teachers came into our classroom and said 'that bread was so nice!'
It really improved our teamwork and bread making skills.
By Dasha and Ella from year 5.

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Year 6 today trip to the zoo!

Today we are in Year 5 because most of Year 6 are out at Borough Athletics!
On Monday Year 6 went to the zoo, it took a long time to get to the zoo because the bus broke down so we had to wait for another bus to come. Then we had to walk to the end of the park which was a long walk but when we got then we were so tired we wanted to go back to school! Once we got into the zoo we all sat down to eat. After lunch we all split up into our groups. So everyone walked around the zoo, we saw Monkeys, vultures, snakes , bugs, insects, birds, penguins, rats , fish , hippos and lots more! Once we had looked all over the zoo we went to the gift shop to buy things. We all had a great time at the zoo and hope to go again!
Bye for now,
From Molly and Frankie (y6)

Wednesday 16 June 2010

On the 16th of June, Yr5 made some bread. The point of the lesson was
to prepare us to be able to make bread for chosen teachers. our topic is
bread and we will be exploring different types of bread and evaluating them.
Each pupil made one type of bread e.g. baguettes, rolls, croissants and lots
more. Yr5 had to interview their chosen teachers with a questionare
about their chosen bread. Friday the 18th is the day the bread will be
given out. All Yr5 took part and loved the whole process. We hope all
the teachers enjoy their bread.

Wednesday 9 June 2010

My first day at All Saints

On Monday I started All Saints primary school I was very nervous until Esther and Debra came and showed me around.When I come into class it felt like a normal school day because I knew everyone because they wanted to all show me around.At break I played with everyone and met people that I didn't knon before.We were writing scripts for acting and I went with Ella she made the work easy. In the afternoon we planned what and how we could make a fair test when we were making bread. I started feeling better as the day went on and I made new friends.
It was almost home time I didn't want the day to finish. I thought like it was my old school it was really nice it felt like I have been here forever. But the day had to end.When I got home I told my mum all about the day it was fantastic.
Well by for now